Is BJP contesting to lose in Tamil Nadu?

At the outset, the obvious disclaimer. Because of the high language barrier and my extreme unfamiliarity with the state, it is difficult for me to say anything meaningful about Tamil Nadu. I doubt most BJP supporters are paying very much attention to TN, what with Assam and Bengal being on everyone’s mind. But, hear me out. Because I believe the BJP is working to a plan in Tamil Nadu.

On the odd occasion, losing an election can work out quite well for a party. The BJP was not going to win Tamil Nadu anyway. To win elections, one has to lose first. Till date, the BJP was a non-contender in the state. Their aim is to gather vote share and become an actual player.

Normally, it can take decades to build vote share in such a large state. But I am sure Modi and Shah have noticed the massive opportunity in Tamil Nadu. The ruling AIADMK is about to collapse. Someone has to be there to mop up their votes.

I cannot say how many seats ADMK will get in Tamil Nadu. Except for 2016, Tamil Nadu likes to give sweeping majorities and the DMK-Cong alliance is likely to get one. The DMK has also made up for its only weak link – Congress – by allotting them only a handful of seats. The DMK would have won in 2016 itself. The reason ADMK held on to power is because they won the seats where DMK had put up Congress candidates. I have often wondered why the DMK gives the Congress so many seats to contest in Tamil Nadu – this time they are not making the mistake.

So in terms of seats, I doubt that BJP supporters have anything to look forward to. The whole point is that ADMK might collapse after this defeat. While the ADMK may be going away, remember that their voters are here to stay.

At a bare minimum, the ADMK would get 30% of the vote. This voteshare has to go somewhere. And the BJP would want it to come to them. The difference between ADMK and BJP is that BJP will not collapse after near certain defeat in Tamil Nadu. The BJP will barely suffer a scratch. The BJP needs these 30% ADMK voters to know that Modi/BJP is their friend. And when the ADMK boat capsizes, these voters will move across to BJP. And so will its leaders, eventually.

In some ways therefore, it is better for BJP if the NDA loses the election rather than winning it. If the “NDA” won, it would be ADMK’s victory. Power would naturally keep their party structure and votes intact. The BJP would remain on the margins. Maybe it could wrangle one ministerial berth, but what is what worth?

This is why it is good for BJP that Congress dominated in the recent local polls in Punjab. The SAD is practically wiped out at least in those elections. If the trend continues into state polls, the SAD might collapse. The BJP will lose too, but how much did they have to lose in the state anyway? They were a bit player. For them to become a real player in Punjab, they would need one of the big players to bow out of the contest. There is always going to be an opposition vote, which has to go somewhere. Same in Andhra Pradesh, where TDP’s decimation in local polls is good for BJP. Once upon a time, the BJP was a real force in Andhra, but they lost their way once they went with TDP (one of BJP’s costliest mistakes). If it has to emerge again, it needs TDP to collapse.

One very interesting addendum to Tamil Nadu polls is what is happening in little TN, aka Puducherry. The BJP’s alliance with AINRC and ADMK is expected to win an easy victory. In spite of that, PM Modi has already visited the state. He will do another rally and Shah will do a road show. Seems like disproportionate effort to win a tiny area: BJP is contesting barely 6-7 seats in its 30 member assembly. But there is a point they are making here. The BJP wants to be very much seen as part of the victory in Puducherry. They need Tamil speaking people to feel closer and closer to BJP. And Puducherry is a near perfect launchpad for this. Just like after Tripura, the slogan was “Ebar Bangla.” It wasn’t about 2 Lok Sabha seats in Tripura, although every seat matters. It was about the much bigger state which shares the culture and language of Tripura.

14 thoughts on “Is BJP contesting to lose in Tamil Nadu?

  1. Tamil Nadu is a very important state for BJP to win. The politicians in TN cleverly played North vs South game for many decades and kept out national parties. To be fair, Nehru made a big blunder in sending them government circulars in Hindi and creating the issue in the first place.

    Tamil Nadu in many ways is a bigger Hindutva state than many other Indian states. Its temple infrastructure is largely intact and it was always (or atleast from 5th-6th century) a great Shaivite stronghold. Not just that, TN exported Hinduism to Indonesia and East asian countries. So Hindutva can come into play here in a big way.

    Also there is a general allergy towards dynasty politics in India and recognition that it does great harm in a democracy. We are seeing how dynasty politics is affecting Maharashtra. It is high time dynasty politics ended in TN also.

    BJP has time on its side. It can penetrate states but state politicians cannot easily challenge it on the national scene. With the right approach, in due course of time, TN can be cracked.The important thing is to show intent as well as keep increasing vote share in each election. After 15-20% vote share, the network effect comes into play and then vote share growth can be exponential.

    Finally, BJP has extraordinarily strong presence in Karnataka. It can use Karnataka as the fulcrum and the Karnataka leadership to improve its presence in the other South Indian states. It is already using this strategy which is the right approach.


  2. Abhishek, There is an interesting thing going on in Kerala. It’s lot more interesting than Bengal. There is a tactical alliance between CPIM and BJP to wipe out Congress from Kerala. If you research it, you will see lot more interesting facts. On ground there is an understanding between RSS and CPIM.


  3. Abhishek I am from neighbouring state but dont know much about politics of Tamil Nadu.In Telugu states there is not much coverage of Tamil Nadu may be thats why.I heard somewhere that Tamil is said to be oldest language those guys are proud of it and that is reason why BJP,Cong kinda struggle there?And some Kajgam keeps winning there.Abhishek what is difference between DMK and that ADM some khajgam in say policy matters?Or both xerox copies of each other

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Abhishek I doubt BJP is hardly bothered about states like Punjab,Tamil Nadu,Keral etc as it makes no difference to their prospects unlike say united AP which was matter of life and death for Cong and was key to coming to power in delhi


  5. Yogi sends the message that TMC goondas that after May 2, they will be picked off, one by one (starting 2nd minute in below video, in the first minute he introduces the families of the victims)

    It was necessary and it was important to send this message to the TMC goons. And it was necessary that ONLY Yogi conveyed this message given his track record. And it is necessary to follow it up as well.

    BJP needs to start using central agencies to track the TMC goondas, especially the murderous types. And warn BJP supporters whenever they are near.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Contrary to the usual trend in TN politics when power alternated between DMK and ADMK in every other election, this time there is anti-incumbency trend in TN against ADMK. The TN CM Edappadi Palaniswami is a clever and calm personality. He has taken care not to anger any segment of the population.

    A few weeks back DMK was expected to cruise to victory easily and ADMK was projected to be a distant second. However, in these last 3-4 weeks significant change in mood seems to have occurred in TN. Edappadi used this lack of anti-incumbency to further enhance the electoral appeal of ADMK by announcing a string of freebies that out bid and out did the freebies announced by DMK. In TN freebie culture had taken deep roots since long and parties compete with one another to offer the freebies. Its not different this time. As soon as Stalin of DMK announced they would provide Rs. 1,000 per household when elected to power, ADMK announced they will provide Rs. 2,500 pm besides a host of other freebie stuff.

    As a result of big come back by ADMK in the last few weeks, the election has become a tight race with DMK ahead only by a nose length. A week is a long time in politics. Between now and the date of elections it is possible that ADMK may begin to inch ahead of DMK. Even in alliances, ADMK has been careful and given away only a few seats to alliance partners and kept a lions share of seats for itself. It is more likely that DMK would crumble and splinter if they lose this election as this is the first election under Stalin without the DMK Patriach Karunanidhi’s guiding hand. There is also a mischief makers and note katua parties that are in plenty in the race. MDMK, PMK, AMK, MMM, who are contesting many seats that could tilt the verdict either way in favour of DMK or ADMK depending on whose votes they cut into.

    All in all it is going to be a close race and its not a walkover for DMK and they have to sweat it out to the finish. For ADMK, too its the first elections without Amma Jayalalitha’s guiding hand. The race to power in TN is getting closer and closer.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. LOL, V-Dem from Sweden is trying to judge the world. Based on the information in the below para, V-Dem should have given Sweden a zero score. The hypocrisy of the whites is just mind boggling.

    “V Dem is from Sweden, look at the constitution of Scandinavian countries. Its constitution says the head of state ‘shall be a king or queen’. More importantly, the Constitution says the king or queen cannot be prosecuted for his or her actions, which means equality before law (Article 14 in our Constitution) has no place in Sweden. Further, the constitution says the king ‘shall always profess the pure evangelical faith’. It also does not allow the prince or princess to marry at will. They have not separated the religion from the state”

    The above quote is from


  8. Wikipedia is an enormous scam, a Leftist den that scrubs away any wrongdoing of the Leftists and puts fake information on others

    Recently I visited the Wikipedia page of Taapsee Pannu. Someone had mentioned the IT raids (with proper references), it has been scrubbed clean. The history of this page is evidence of the thuggery that Wikipedia editors do to hide the wrong doings of the Leftists. And she is small fry. One can only imagine how Leftists scrub history wherever it matters

    Government of India needs to bring in a law against Wikipedia editors randomly editing out stuff and randomly inserting malicious stuff against Hindus


  9. BJP is capable party to wipe out all Dravidian parties. But their roots are long and needs more hard work & patience to achieve. I can sense some ideological shift already in TN but not enough to win elections. And moreover TN BJP is good for nothing. They are lazy to tell schemes of BJP clearly in TN. Time will answer in coming years.


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