Defending Rahul Gandhi: Dynastycrooks should stop being so ungrateful

You would never have guessed this, would you? Am I really going to defend Rahul Gandhi? No, I am not going to be sarcastic. I am totally serious.

No, I am not turning into a Congress supporter. I am addressing the journalists, academics and intellectuals who have eaten the dynasty’s salt their whole lives. When you turn around and bite the hand that has always fed you, you come across as the lowest of the low.

The name of this blog is dynastycrooks. The term refers to so called civil society members who have been nurtured by the dynasty to serve as loyal pets. These people are still everywhere. But with the Congress’ political fortunes in tailspin, a new fashion has emerged among them. Writing articles attacking the Congress leadership for its inability to take on Narendra Modi. Go check : the fake Harvard journalist did it just today.

Dear Dynastycrooks, stop being so ungrateful.

Yes, Rahul Gandhi is a low IQ person. So what? His father Rajiv was the same. But you never complained against Rajiv because he could feed you. Today, Rahul’s party is in trouble. So you turn on the man and begin bashing him?

Yes, Rahul Gandhi is a low IQ person. Without his famous last name, he would have been nothing. And guess what, dynastycrooks? So are you! Without Rahul and his family feeding you crumbs for generations, you would be nothing too.

I address here three people, one a fake Harvard journalist, one a fake historian and third a fake psephologist. They know who they are.

Dear fake Harvard journalist, imagine what your life would have been without the dynasty to feed you crumbs. Do you remember how people believed you had been appointed to a position you are spectacularly unqualified for? Why did they believe that? Because they know everything else you have in your life is completely undeserved. Everything you have is a favor from the dynasty. Today you scorn the dynasty? Pathetic.

Dear fake historian, you do not have even a history degree. You are just a guy who likes to blabber. But the most prestigious international forums are open to you. Do you know why? Because of the dynasty and its connections. They have been throwing crumbs at you and you strut around like you are something. Ramu kaka, today you turn on “Chote Maalik” because he is seeing some bad days?

Dear fake psephologist, your qualifications are unknown. Your so called expertise does not exist. But they have fed you for years as part of whatever your think tank is called. You are neither a farmer nor a psephologist. But you are sought after on every issue because the dynasty picked you up from nothing and made you something.

Today, the Congress is losing its ability to deliver crumbs for you. Shut up and bear with it. Because, whatever Rahul Gandhi is, he is better than you folks. He is still willing to give you crumbs. But because the crumbs are no longer as juicy as they used to be, you start complaining?

Ha! You know, people make fun of you by comparing you to Rahul Gandhi’s pet dog Pidi. This is actually an insult to Pidi. Believe me, little Pidi will always be loyal to his master. Even if Rahul lost his entire political fortune tomorrow, he would always have Pidi.

My respect to Pidi, the poor little noble soul. No respect for people like the fake Harvard journo, the fake historian or the fake psephologist.


A BJP supporter.

5 thoughts on “Defending Rahul Gandhi: Dynastycrooks should stop being so ungrateful

  1. Fake Harvard Professor is wrong. The Congress already has indicated what it stands for. Time and again. Its cadre killed a calf in public in Kerala.Its leader has not made a pro-India statement since 2014. The problem is not in what Congress stands for. The problem is that Hindus have figured out that voting for the Congress is a big mistake.

    Psephologist has to decide what he wants to be in life. Sometimes he is farmer leader, sometime he party leader, sometime he is poll “expert”. He is just an andolan jeevi who dons different hats according to the need of the hour. A lot of taxpayer money goes in sustaining andolan jeevis like him. Going through a lifetime without doing a single days real work is some achievement, psephologist should get an award for that.

    Ramu Kaka is a fake historian but a real andolan jeevi. He is the archetype liberal – writes about everything while knowing nothing. Training in Nyaya philosophy would have enabled Ramu Kaka and other liberals to arrive at right knowledge. Lack of this training has meant that Ramu Kaka like the liberals the world over confuses his opinion with reality and constantly arrives at the wrong conclusions. No amount of flowery words can make a wrong inference right.

    Liberals today are at cross roads not knowing what to do. The Congress can no longer throw crumbs. The BJP doesnt care about them. People have stopped paying attention to them. What should they do ? What can they do ? There are no jobs that advertise – Wanted a placard holder and slogan shouter with rioting experience.

    The government should open an andolanjeevi ITI institute to train the liberals in trades like plumbing, carpentry, electrician, motor mechanic etc. These trades are more difficult than spinning yarns that the liberals are used to. The trades wont get them Lutyens bungalows and Padma awards. But the trades will put food on the table and allow them to lead a life of dignity and self respect. Constantly selling your country, selling your countrymen and selling yourself for a few crumbs is just not worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You forgot ‘Copta’. The major reason for their heartburn is what RG is saying and/or doing is not making any dent in the minds of the Indian voters. It is not that these ‘Dynastycrooks’ have not praised what RG is saying and doing hoping fervently that the voters will buy it. When RG was not working, they tried to make a ‘hero’ out of all kinds of people, Kejriwal, JNU students, Hardik Patel, and their desperation is so bad, they believe this fake farmers’ leader Rakesh Tikait will take care of Narendra Modi.


  3. Came across an article by Ramu Kaka that compared BJP to Mao. It is sad to see Ramu Kaka make the most basic of mistakes in getting to the right knowledge. These mistakes should not be made by even a first year student of journalism but experienced liberals are making these mistakes all the time.

    Hindus preoccupied themselves with methods to arrive at right knowledge for the better part of the last 5000 years.The shad darshanas of Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa and Vedanta focused on the methods of getting to right knowledge. Even the discredited Carvaka school atleast insisted on perception as a source of knowledge. Liberals have dispensed with even that and just use imagination. And hence constantly arrive at wrong inference and conclusions.

    Ramu kaka needs some lessons in Nyaya to understand how to come to right knowledge. Nyaya mentions four methods of getting to right knowledge – Perception(Pratyaksha), Inference(Anumana), Comparison(Upamana) and Testimony(Sabda).

    Now lets take perception (pratyaskha). Nowhere in India we see mass killings as happened in Mao’s regime that killed 100 million people. On the other hand we see India saving not only Indians but people in all countries with vaccines. Also we dont see the complete destruction of cultural artificts that happened in Maoist China.

    Lets take inference – anumana (e.g. fire from smoke). There was recently a videshi lady liberal asking for funding for 40 websites because they were anti-Modi websites. So if anything we can infer there is no coercion anywhere with the current government. However we do see that media doesnt dare to utter a word against the Gandhi family. Which means media fears them. We also saw what happened to Arnab when he questioned the family.

    Lets take comparison (upamana). People can compare India with China or Nazis after millions of dead bodies have been seen. The only ones still getting mercilessly butchered are the Hindus against whom Jihad is still in full flow.

    Finally testimony or sabda is applicable only if the person is an authority. Ramu Kaka is just an andolan jeevi with a track record of lying. Hence his Sabda can be ignored. Communists took the sabda(testimony) of Lenin/Marx as correct and cause hundreds of millions of deaths the world over. This is why Hinduism never believed exclusively in the Sabda of a single individual. This was deemed too risky with great potential of harm.

    Thus Ramu Kaka’s writings (and indeed the writings of all liberals) fails the basic smell test of perception, inference and comparison. All eminent historians seem to be deluded – this is why they could not believe that a temple existed in Ayodhya inspite of archaeological evidence.

    Schools of journalism/arts/humanities the world over need to teach Nyaya as the first course. Otherwise journalists will keep arriving at the wrong conclusions with disastrous consequences for society.


  4. Kannanji I read that headline too. I did not bother to read that article, but I was surprised to think that the Commies hold so much contempt and hatred for Narendra Modi and so much high regards for any and all Commie leaders including Mao that they would even think of comparing the two and if anyone dared to do that he would be ridiculed and thrown out from the comradeship.


    1. The liberals are not ideology driven but rewards driven. If Modi government had given them Lutyens bungalows, Padma awards and plane rides, the liberals would have been singing his praises.

      The liberals are free to criticize the government and BJP leaders but they need to do it with solid arguments. Ramu Kaka was making infantile arguments that would be laughed out by Indians.

      Maybe his target audience is the Western liberals who are ever happy to read something criticizing India. Maybe he is also aspiring for Harvard professor post and cannot afford to be solid and bullet proof in his arguments (would immediately get disqualified). Or maybe he is deliberately trying to appear less smarter than liberal in chief.

      Whatever the reason, nowadays the liberal articles hurt not because of the accusations they make but because of the poor quality of their arguments and reasoning.


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