In Assam, Cong doesn’t even look like it is trying

Five years ago, during this round of elections, BJP supporters were buzzing with just one question: how are things going in Assam? This time, they are quiet, almost as if they have forgotten. It’s all about Bengal this time. There itself we have a story about BJP’s relentless expansion.

The other factor, of course, is quiet confidence. BJP supporters think Assam is in the bag already. While I do plead guilty to a similar confidence, it can be a bit unnerving. Is BJP looking enough in the rearview mirror? What if there is a silent anti-incumbent surge at some level in Assam?

I have to say it doesn’t seem likely. The reasons to be assured about Assam are many. First, there is the indefatigable Himanta Biswa Sarma. He has been micromanaging every little aspect of the election, finding the right allies, doing all the calculations, dissuading rebels from contesting–everything. His calculations for the recent Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) and Tiwa Autonomous Council (TAC) polls were exactly right. Just like his calculations in every round of elections in Assam for the last 15 years or so. In the BTC case, they were so on the dot that it was like artwork. Distancing strategically from the BPF and going with the UPPL.

The BPF has now joined the UPA, but I am sure this possibility was taken into account a long time ago.

The top BJP leadership has also been very aware of the elections, with Shah doing a number of rallies already, leaving nothing to chance.

The only niggling worry comes from the arithmetic of the UPA alliance. With the Congress allying with Ajmal’s AUDF and now BPF, the UPA is assured of a pretty solid vote share. Their problems come from two sources. Their votes are concentrated : for instance, Ajmal brings with him huge margins in lower Assam where BJP did not have the slightest chance anyway. So the bloated UPA vote share becomes a bit of an academic exercise. On the contrary, the Congress will have to pay a price among Hindu voters for its alliance with the overtly Muslim AUDF. And BJP leaders have been hammering this point endlessly. This is why the late Tarun Gogoi would never hear of an alliance between Cong and AUDF. This is a different Congress, so desperate that it no longer thinks about anything.

But still, vote share is vote share. For the BJP, the biggest consolation is that the Congress is practically not even trying. The other day, Pawar sahib let slip that BJP is going to win Assam.

But for me, the biggest indicator is the way the Congress is (not) deploying Rahul Gandhi. No, not because Rahul is some powerful vote catcher the Congress could throw into the electoral battle. But because the Congress would have plastered Rahul’s face all over Assam if they thought they could win. They would make sure Rahul gets some (all) of the credit. See what they did in Tamil Nadu, where Congress is a junior partner of DMK. If there was a chance for Cong to climb on the winner’s podium somehow, the party would have made triple sure that Rahul’s name is written all over the campaign.

In Kerala and Bengal as well, Rahul is not showing his face. In Assam, the Congress is being led by Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel (lol). And I feel bad for the media chamchas who have been assigned the task of saying that Baghel is doing a good job leading the party there.

This kind of giving up is new, even by Rahul Gandhi’s standards. And truth be told, it is not particularly good for democracy either.

8 thoughts on “In Assam, Cong doesn’t even look like it is trying

  1. Abhishek Congress is so stupid they have shot themselves in the foot with their alliance with minority party AIUDF.According to BJP internal surveys Congress is losing even Opposition status to AUDF
    AUDF is said to be winning 19-20 out of 21 seats its contesting while Cong is not getting Hindu votes.Overall Cong losing Opposition status to AUDF


  2. I think RaGa and his ilk has some other strategy in mind. These guys now know they cannot win electorally in normal electioneering, that is the reason why these reports on Democracy index, undeclared emergency, comparison with dictators etc. They cannot expect any western power or even China to intervene militarily as that simply isn’t possible given our economy size, which is only going to grow with each passing year, and a more than capable military to defend. Not sure what is at play? Keep the growth down, keep the country poor for as long as possible so its vulnerable to conversions and cultural aloofness? Or something else?


  3. As Sidharth mentioned, the end goal of the Congress party is a big mystery. They seem to have given up and packed their bags on the election scene.

    Their approach seemed to have been to depend on minority vote forever with some Hindu vote thrown in. They could have made the attempt in the 1990’s or 2000’s to reorient and become Hindu friendly.

    After 2014 it was too late to change and any attempt to become Hindu friendly might have meant a phase where they neither got Hindu votes nor minority votes. That would have been death knell. Also they might not have foreseen the emergence of social media and the wholesale destruction of the ecosystem they cultivated so carefully over the years.

    So their current strategy seems to be to float on minority votes and pray BJP makes a big mistake. They might also be banking on the fact that so many Congressis are in BJP now and they will transform BJP into another Congress (the trojan horse approach). At the right time, the trojans may cross over again.

    Or their approach may be simply the Communist approach – which is to just destroy for destruction sake. The communists go to university for protesting and rioting and then graduate to the communist party and carry on the same destructive activities. There is no real end goal in mind – just mindless destructive activity.


  4. When an election victory is not possible, the next best thing to do is, improve on vote share. That is the only thing left for RG to take credit and/or neutralize blame for the defeat. Modi-Shah duo is Chanakya when it came to politics, I hope they have a plan to prop-up golden eggs laying ‘Murghy’ called Rahul Gandhi as long as possible and not destroy him completely. It seems they have left Subramanium Swamy to work alone and not support him at all in destroying SG/RG/Congress, which seems to make Swamy go crazy.


  5. Dear Abhishek this will stun you out of box but Amit Shah internal survey showing 17% of Bengal Muslims voting for BJP.Mamata is done
    My final numbers for Bengal(you mark this we will talk after election)
    BJP-210-225(BJP may go even up!)
    Trinamool-45-65.I dont want to even waste my time talking of also rans like Cong and Left they are extinct species.
    NNote my numbers and chill Abhishek


  6. When everybody would be lampooning Pappu for losing 5 elections, he will stun all his critics by recording a thumping victory in the 6th election … the Congress President election !

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  7. Too many brown sepoys at Rutgers University. They have no spine, no pride in their origins, just a supine grovelling before their white masters. And these people lecture India from their pulpits.

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