The Nazi roots of the Emergency in India, and the legacy of hard socialism

A lightly edited version of this article, written jointly with Karuna Gopal, appeared on News18 here.

How many Indians were murdered by the government during the Emergency? If you have never heard this question before, you should wonder why. The answer is two thousand men. They were kidnapped randomly, from trains, from the fields, anywhere. Sometimes, government officials would burst into their homes at night and take them away for sterilization. Many of them died in botched operations. Two thousand, at least.

For most Indians, the Emergency is just a story. The story is told without context. We know that opposition leaders were put in jail. We know that freedom of the press was muzzled. But not more. This makes it easy for people to brush it off as a one time thing. Even the Congress takes that line today. Yes, we made a mistake fifty years ago, but so what? Forget it and move on. 

They can do this because we do not know the ideological roots of the Emergency. Such as the Nazi race science theories. Or the failure of hard left socialism, and the politics of foreign aid. We do not talk about the role of sinister foreign donors such as the Ford Foundation or the Rockefeller Foundation. We do not know the events that led up to the Emergency, including the involvement of people who were in government even a few years ago. Such as Dr. Manmohan Singh, for instance. Worse, it allows them to make superficial comparisons with anything that happens today. The Congress party and its network have effectively turned the issue on its head. And claim this or that happening today is an “undeclared Emergency.”

So let us tell the full story. First, the economic context. Indira Gandhi became Prime Minister in 1966. This was almost twenty years after independence. The socialist model was failing. There were shortages of everything; rice, wheat and milk. Already in 1959, police in Bengal had mowed down protesters asking for rice. Now there was a near famine in Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh. In Bengal, they had to ban the sale of rosogolla, to save milk. These economic realities began to bite the Congress. In the 1967 general elections, they only just managed a majority.

To save the Congress party, Indira Gandhi now turned to even more ideological, hard left socialism. Of course, that is never a solution. So it quickly became a matter of looking for someone to blame. First, it was the fault of the private banks. So Indira Gandhi’s government nationalized the banks in 1969. Then, it was the fault of rich people, as it always is. So they raised the top income tax rate to over 97 percent. Then, it was the turn of middle class people. They were forced to deposit a portion of their income with the government under the “compulsory deposit scheme.” Then foreign companies were to blame, who were chased out of India in 1973. Finally, it was the fault of grain traders, accused of raising prices artificially. So the government took over the wheat distribution in 1974. It did not work. Wheat prices soared even further. 

The country was descending into chaos. The Indian Army had won a spectacular victory over Pakistan in 1971. But just four short years later, the average Pakistani was again richer than the average Indian. That is how bad India’s economic policies were in that period. By 1974, India’s GDP growth had slowed to just 1 percent. Inflation rose to an astonishing 29 percent. Naturally, there were protests everywhere. This is the real reason for the Emergency of 1975.

For what it is worth, who was Chief Economic Adviser to the Indian government during these years of ruin? That would be Dr. Manmohan Singh. 

Now let us come to the ideological context. Beginning in the early 1900s, panic began to spread that Indians and black Africans breeding in large numbers would take over earth, leaving nothing for the “superior” white race. So they would have to be sterilized, along with anyone else considered unfit to reproduce. The key figure here is Margaret Sanger, now a hero of the American left. She toured the United States extensively in the 1920s and 1930s, raising support for the government to improve the “quality” of the population. She spoke at rallies of the Ku Klux Klan, the most infamous white supremacist organization in the world. The result was a spate of laws that allowed for forced sterilization of anyone in the interest of the state. This went on for longer than you might think. As late as 1964, some US states would forcibly sterilize any black person who failed an IQ test.  

There is a reason this story is told so rarely. Because it brings up the embarrassing detail that the race science theories of the Nazis began not in Germany, but spread from the United States. Indeed, when Nazi doctors were put on trial in the late 1940s for carrying out brutal experiments on humans, they cited American medical literature in their defense. In the 1930s, Margaret Sanger had praised the Nazis for their forced sterilization program, intended to safeguard the “master race.” The Nazis banned sexual contact between Jews and Germans, sterilized gypsies and Romani people, and also the Afro-Germans. In the 1920s, there had been a moral outcry by the Church against the Afro-Germans, born to French colonial troops from Africa who had been posted to the Rhineland after the First World War. Incidentally, the man who led the man who led these protests was a senior Italian priest by the name of Eugenio Pacelli. As a representative of the Vatican, Pacelli would go on to sign an agreement with Hitler in 1933, and he would rise to become Pope in 1939. When allied troops arrived in 1943-44 to liberate Italy from fascism (British Indian and African soldiers among them), the Pope made a desperate appeal not to let colored soldiers enter Rome.

After the Second World War, race science theories got a bad name in the West, due to the association with Nazis. But the fear about the spread of “inferior races” did not go away. Instead, the focus shifted to India and China. But Communist China was closed off to the West. This left India as the main target. Most famously, Margaret Sanger traveled to India in 1959, where she appeared arm in arm with Nehru. Lady Dhanvanthi Rama Rau, a former president of the All India Women’s Conference, describes the incident thus. “On hearing my news, he ran up the steps like a schoolboy, put his arms around Margaret in greeting, and gently led her into the hall where the great gathering was waiting for him. It was a most touching and unforgettable scene: the Prime Minister ignoring all formality, Mrs. Sanger glowing with pride, and the huge audience standing up, cheering and applauding.

Thus began the politics of foreign aid. As India’s economy collapsed in the 1960s and even worse in the 1970s under the weight of hard socialism, it would need more and more aid. American aid to India came through American channels such as the Ford Foundation, or the Rockefeller Foundation. These foundations and their people became deeply embedded in the government. How much aid did India get at the time? At least $10 billion from the US alone. This made India the single largest recipient of aid from the United States. For comparison, US aid to Europe after World War 2, known as the Marshall Plan, was around $13 billion. The whole of Europe rebuilt itself with that much money. But India descended further into poverty, and needed even more aid. Countries such as Japan and Germany had been bombed to dust in 1945. Just fifteen years later, both countries were giving aid to India. This is what happens when you have hard socialism. 

And if you want aid from others, you have to take orders from them. This is exactly what happened during the Emergency. Of course, India needs responsible family planning. But not under the influence of Nazi race science theories that see us as inferior people. And definitely not due to blackmail from the West, as a condition for foreign aid.

The Emergency was not a one time mistake. It was the culmination of everything that had gone wrong with Nehruvian socialism. And yes, it can happen again, given the same conditions. The American foundations and their loyalists in “civil society” are still around. They always cry the loudest whenever someone touches their foreign funding. The worst of the socialist ideas, such as wealth redistribution, are even making a comeback. As for racist prejudices, they will probably always be around, unfortunately. We would do well to watch out for our democracy.

28 thoughts on “The Nazi roots of the Emergency in India, and the legacy of hard socialism

  1. Ten billion dollars of aid was a lot of money in the 1960’s. Socialism sent all that money down the drain (or more accurately into the pockets of the politicians and some into the pockets of the Indian Leftists and Liberals).

    The Japanese bullet train cost $1 billion in 1964 for 515 kms. If we had built a north south and east west 1000 km bullet train system then, it would have cost 4 billion (maybe far less due to cheaper manpower in India). Even if India had built only good roads and faster trains with the $10 billion, it would have given a tremendous boost to economic growth in India.

    There is a wealth of information and data showing how socialist ideas breed poverty and make a country very very poor. No politician in the West talks about wealth redistribution. And for good reason. They know it will cause large scale poverty, rioting and the destruction of their society. No Indian politician goes to the West and talks socialism.
    And for good reason. They will get booed and their sanity will get questioned.

    So this begs the question – Why do Western economists and some Indian politicians repeatedly advocate socialism and redistribution in India knowing fully well that it will destroy India.
    For the Western economist( who is actually a politician), it makes sense. Keep India poor will help to control and buy influence. Give some money and make the Indian politicians do their bidding.
    A poor India will also be a source of cheap manpower. Especially for the frequent and meaningless meat grinder wars of the Western countries like the one happening in Ukraine.

    For Indian politicians, also it makes sense. A very poor population helps sustain dynastic, mai-baap politicans and politics. Also dynast politicians have the belief that they ought to be the richest in the country or the state and cannot stand it if a businessman or entrepreneur is richer.

    For Indian voters it does not make any sense to vote for socialism that makes everyone poor and only few dynast politicians rich. Socialism is the biggest and worst inequality in the world where a few dynasts
    keep a whole population poor and fighting for scraps to make themselves relatively rich. Two or three generations of Indians eked out an existence of poverty because of socialism. Dynast politicians did very well though.India does not need socialism, communism or any such failed imported ideas to become rich. Hinduism will take Indians to richness.

    Indians need to carry a deep distrust of the West and the socialism ideas that come from the West for several generations. Indians need to trust the wisdom of their forefathers. The Western civilization is non Dharmic and only Dharma sustains in the long run. The West is a decadent, rapacious and dying civilization. It does not have the legs to sustain as a civilization and hence it will try to destroy other civilizations and take them down with it.

    BJP for its part needs to introduce knowledge of economics from class 1. They dont want ignorant voters who believe socialism can do any good inspite of the plethora of examples showing how socialism and redistribution destroys the economy. If they dont train voters, then the next time opposition will promise 1 crore rupees and a home if they get elected. They have already tossed out reality out of the window so why will they limit themselves.


    1. Even now,under capitalism,there are minority-only loans from government banks for starting businesses,discriminating against Hindus.


  2. Wow! Superbly informative article. Never knew anything about so many factors involved before and at the time of the Emergency declaration. I still remember standing in line to buy rice, wheat, kerosene, etc. To buy good rice we had to buy broken rice and to buy lighter wheat (I believe from America) we had to buy red wheat. I vaguely remember India was getting wheat donations from America under the PL480 scheme.


    1. China also went through a similar phase (or even worse). But they found a great leader in Deng Xiaopeng. Deng realized that Marxism and Socialism was absolute garbage and threw them into the dustbin. He famously remarked  “it doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white, if it catches mice it is a good cat.” In other words Capitalism worked whether you liked it or not.

      India got its Deng only in 2014. A full 35 years after China. That is the tragedy. Even today there are many Indian leaders who want Marxism, Socialism, Redistribution, Jitni Abadi etc. The have not studied China or understood Deng. They are low IQ and violent to boot. They are the Mao’s of India who will seed a genocide to get power.

      This is why I really like Modi’s remark that it is okay if some get rich first. The rich will pull others to richness. Marxists will pull everyone into poverty and then ask a journalist to write an article on how great everyone is doing.

      India has to only follow Hinduism to get rich. The imported methods like Marxism and Socialism have already proved to be a huge disaster the world over. It is economic suicide for any developing country to adopt Marxism or Socialism.


  3. I just remembered that from what I had read, forced sterilization was Sanjay Gandhi’s idea, and under his supervision, his helpers carried out forced kidnapping and forced sterilization of the kidnapped victims. I believe Sanjay Gandhi was giving ‘quota’ to various Congress leaders to sterilize people and to meet those quotas the Congress leaders were forcing sixty-seventy-year-olds to go through sterilization.


  4. Sridhar Vembu is the kind of experimental economist India needs. People who can actually grow the economy by producing useful stuff. And that too in a rural setting without burdening our chaotically managed cities.

    Rajan,Kausik Basu,Piketty etc are the type of economists who India should avoid. These are the folks to whom nobody listens in their native countries but want to dictate how Indian economy should run. They have never produced anything in life, only consumed from society and are ever looking for developing countries who can trip over their wild theories.


    1. There goes the Piketty bugger again – India should do this and India should do that. Nobody in his native France gives two hoots to his guy.

      Income inequality argument is sheer envy and jealousy from Leftist economists. They cannot make any money (except by leeching) so they try to level everyone’s income.

      An average employee makes far less than the top management at their companies. But they dont cry income inequality. They try to work their way towards the top.

      But for economists, there is nothing like working their way to the top. Hence pull everyone to the bottom.

      India the only country to give bhaav to these Western economists who come with their ludicrous garbage theories. This is because they say what the opposition parties in India wants them to say.


  5. The Liberals of the world and anti-India brigades claim the BJP government and the Hindus in general are Islamophobic. Hating Muslims. Do they really believe that the Hindus hate Muslims but the Muslims love Hindus? Do they believe that Jews hate Muslims, but the Muslims love Jews? Hatred issue is like what came first the chicken or eggs? Which hatred came first? If the BJP government is really an anti-Muslim government, our relationship with the Gulf countries would not have been better than at any time in the history since India’s independence.


    1. Liberalism is of Abrahamic origin like Communism. Though people may not think of Liberalism as a religion, it is indistinguishable in its precepts from Abrahamic religions.

      Liberalism cannot digest the rise of India and Hindus. This rise means Hindus are not going to do the bidding of the Western liberals. And the West does not like this. They were used to colonizing and intimidating the world.

      Liberalism is also like Communism – very very shallow. They just throw some words around. There is no history of thought or depth of thought like Hinduism has. They are good at holding placards, at shouting slogans and creating violence. But not at thinking.

      Hindus used to have appreciation for the West because of their technological achievements. But now people realize that apart from Western scientists and engineers (who are top notch), the rest of the West is kachra, absolute garbage. And they are not respecting these kachra westerners. Who in turn dont like this behaviour of the Hindus.


  6. BJP must institute a process to ensure that MP’s dont vanish after elections. Each MP must have a twitter account where he can communicate with his constituency (wonder how many MP’s have this). Twitter is probably the best way they can be reachable to their constituents. Tejasvi Surya is a great example of an MP who knows how to communicate with his constiutency

    Tejasvi Surya should be entrusted with creating this process and running a workshop for BJP MP’s (especially new MP’s). His social media account is a masterclass in how an MP holds himself accountable and communicates with his constituency. His report card at the end of the tenure was fabulous, each MP should be required to produce the kind of report card Tejasvi Surya produced.


    1. Every country should first do the checking. Calculate the percentage of each foreign community in the general population versus its population in the prison and if the percentage of that community is higher in the prison than in the general population, kick that community out.


  7. Piketty model was shown to be flawed more than a decade ago. The authors of this paper say – We find evidence of pervasive errors of historical fact, opaque methodological choices, and the cherry-picking of sources to construct favorable patterns from ambiguous data.

    Piketty is not alone in this, almost all economists theories and papers are like this. Wild theories which they try to substantiate with cherry picked data. This is why it would be suicidal for any country to implement anything these economists suggest. Chaos would result

    Elsewhere Nicolas Nassem Taleb has also thrashed Piketty’s model

    And yet Leftist portals like Rediff and newspapers like TOI are publishing Piketty’s ideas. A full decade after it was shown to be garbage. Showing that these portals and newspapers are themselves garbage.


  8. I am sorry to say this, but I don’t have much sympathy for Swati Mahiwal. If she was that intelligent why can’t she see the obvious betrayal by Kejriwal towards Anna Hazare? Couldn’t she see that Kejriwal used Anna Hazare’s shoulder to uplift his political career? If he can betray Anna Hazare who she thinks herself?

    But on the other hand, if her plight exposes Kejriwal even more I will be happy.


    1. Like all opposition parties in India, AAP is a dynastic party. This should be pretty obvious from the way Kejriwals wife took over the reins when he was in jail. And in all dynastic parties, if you challenge the dynast, you will be severely punished. The quantum and method of punishment may vary but you will surely get punished. Swati Maliwal (and everyone else who joins dynastic parties) would have known this.

      AAP is also a Adharmic party. One of the characteristics of Adharmic parties is Robinhood politics where they redistribute money. This is actually a way of keeping the poor permanently poor. Infrastructure spending is the way to make the poor rich because it creates more possibilities for the rich to spend.

      AAP like all opposition parties hates Hindus because they dont vote enbloc. This is why Kejriwal made all kinds of promises to Waqf board. Because they vote enbloc. Congress doesnt like this because Kejriwal is eating into their vote bank with these kind of tactics.

      Hindus should put a stop to weird political experiments and should understand that only Dharma sustains. Firang economic policies dont work, the West became rich by colonizing and looting, not by socialism or communism. Hindus cannot do this. So Dharma is the only path for them to become rich. And it is a sure path.

      The core of Dharma is not to accept freebies. It is money someone else worked for. There is nothing free in the universe. You will have to repay the freebies in this life or the next with a 100% interest per generation. Why incur unnecessary debt for future lives ? Hindus must avoid freebies.


  9. Hindus can perfectly well manage their own temples. Free temples can supercharge economic growth as they have done throughout the history of India.

    India was rich because the temples were free and contributed to education, funding enterprises, generated art and culture. Free temples also encourage people to contribute with time and money. Nobody wants to give time and money to a corrupt government that will immediately use the money for secular purposes.

    Great to hear that the Padmanabhaswamy temple has been freed from the clutches of the Communist government in Kerala


  10. The tweet is interesting. But what is more interesting is the liberal question and the response that shows India brought down the number of poor people from 124 million to 15 million in just 6 years. This is a stupendous achievement by any yardstick

    Hinduism brings richness and perhaps it is the only religion that created richness without invading others, colonizing others and stealing their stuff. There is no need of socialism or communism at all in India.

    While we can celebrate the removal of poverty for now, India should target a future where every Indian is rich. It is almost impossible to have a Hindu majority population and not become rich as a country but Congress party somehow managed this feat.


  11. Kejriwal has openly declared that when he goes back to prison, he will be tortured. The prison official should declare that it is not their usual practice to torture prisoners, but if Kejriwal wants to be proven right, we will oblige him.


    1. He will not be tortured but he will be interrogated in the criminal case of corruption. Like all corrupt politicians, he is trying to feign sickness to escape jail. He should have resigned till his name is cleared but he is shameless.

      AAP is the worst thing that has happened to Indian politics. These are Leftist thugs who want power by hook or crook. They want to break every rule and law but not held accountable. AAP is not a dharmic party and people need to remove them from the political arena in the next few elections.


      1. I hope you are right. Unfortunately, there are many anti-Hindu voters in Delhi. They will vote for even a bamboo if a bamboo is contesting against a Hindu leader.


  12. Congress party leader Jairam Ramesh accused Amit Shah of interfering in the vote-counting and when asked for any proof about his claim, he asked for one week time to collect proof. So he accused without any proof? Shouldn’t he collect proof first and then accuse? These people think that Indians are stupid people and will fall for anything.


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