Age of innocence in engaging with Indian diaspora is over

In January 2003, India’s capital had a festive look as it prepared to receive thousands of delegates for the first Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas. A family of Indians from around the world, coming home to the mother country. It was our job to welcome them. The smile on Atalji’s face said it all. Indians are Indians. Anywhere in the world that there is an Indian, there is an India. Passports come and passports go, but being Indian is forever.

Oh, how naive we were.

Even PM Modi, in his speeches to Indians around the world, had assured them : if you are an Indian and you are in trouble, hum passport ka rang nahin dekhenge (we will not look at the color of your passport). You are always welcome in our country. Your ancient nation is always there for you.

Oh how naive we were.

In the last few days, the Modi government has come out with a significant notification on the rights of OCIs, about the permits they need to travel freely within India, participate in journalistic or missionary activities and so on. We can quibble over whether these are new regulations or “clarification” of existing regulation. But the messaging is clear.

For decades, Indians have traveled the world in search of opportunity. In the early 2000s, Atalji saw this global family. He noticed its immense potential and also the bureaucratic walls that had come up between its members. So, is Modi building back the walls that Atalji had decided to knock down?

With a heavy heart, yes. The walls are going back up. Because, when it comes to Indian diaspora, the age of innocence is over.

We did not know that there would be a day when “Indians” in Canada would tear off the Indian tricolor from people’s cars and stomp on it. With their feet! Would you stomp on your mother’s face with your feet? When Atalji began the Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas, did he ever dream that this day would come?

But this day has come. Some day we had to realize that millions of Indians around the world no longer see India as their mother. No, no…this is not a knock on every Indian who lives abroad. This is just an acknowledgement of reality. Some Indians abroad are deeply connected to India. Some are not. And some of them just despise India.

Going forward, we will have to seek out our friends among the Indian diaspora. And we will have to watch out for our enemies.

I remember that until around 2010, our media would celebrate every little achievement of every “Indian” on foreign shores. Even Indian kids winning the spelling bee was supposed to be news. An Indian becoming a top level executive or winning elected office was an amazing feeling. An Indian giving orders to people overseas? It was like a dream.

On the one hand, we had the inferiority complex of being a third world country. On the other, we had a deep conviction that Indians are a people destined for greatness. So if the motherland is still backward, so what? These people abroad are our ambassadors.

In retrospect, all this appears so innocent. We forgot that these people were not Indians at all, but held foreign citizenship.

The break was inevitable. First of all, many Indian families had been abroad for generations. How could we expect them to be “Indians” like us? Their kids and their grandkids grew up in Abrahamic societies, where pagan Hindus are viewed with contempt anyway. For that matter, why would the child of say an Indian father and a Canadian mother love India like their own? It really makes no sense.

A number of these “Indians” now read the New York Times to form their views about India. They attend universities where Hinduphobes like Audrey Truschke are on the faculty. Why would these people want a special relationship with India? And now that the global media is spewing anti-India venom in one voice, we have to watch out. No wonder the walls are going back up.

The two notions of nationhood are colliding. The old is giving way to the new. The old civilization state is giving way to the modern nation state. The color of the passport matters. The civilization less so.

On Monday, the British Parliament will have a debate on farm laws in India. The debate will be led by people with names that sound like they could belong to our relatives and neighbors. Even now, when we hear these names, we might wince. But we have to accept the new reality. Yes, a man with a name like Tamanjeet Singh Dhesi could be an enemy of India.

We have to be strong. We can’t be fooled by emotion. There is no difference between Tamanjeet Dhesi and Reginald Dyer. If we allow ourselves to become emotional about his name, Tamanjeet Dhesi will use this to cause more harm to India. He hates us. We cannot afford to get emotional about him.

It’s not all bad. Today our enemy might be named Tamanjeet, but we could also have friends named Jack or John. The other day, there was an article in The American Conservative about how global NGO terrorists are trying to overthrow our elected government. See? An American whose ancestors traveled out of Germany or Poland could be our friend. Someone whose ancestors traveled out of India could be an enemy. There are people right now in America’s rural heartland who are mocked and ridiculed by the New York Times as much as it ridicules Uttar Pradesh. The NYT calls them a basket of deplorables. Those people could be our friends. The world is changing.

Last year, foreign direct investment in India rose by 13%, the highest among all major economies. While the NYT berated and cursed India, the world bet their money on us. These people could be our new friends. Meanwhile, the NYT swept under the carpet thousands of elderly New Yorkers who had been sent to die in nursing homes by the liberal governor Andrew Cuomo. Those bereaved families could be our new friends.

As the world changes, our sense of solidarity has to keep up. The Indian diaspora is now divided. The folks who turned out at Howdy Modi are our friends. The folks in Canada who stomped on the Indian flag are our enemies. Going forward, we have to keep emotions in check and only our interests at heart. The age of innocence ends here.

14 thoughts on “Age of innocence in engaging with Indian diaspora is over

  1. Very true. The thing which saddened me most about the Rashmi Samant case is that the person who witch-hunted her is called Abhijeet Sarkar-a fellow ‘Indian’. He should have mentored her, guided her, been friends with her, engaged in vibrant debates or discussions with her-anything life-affirming. Instead he started the vile, vitriolic campaign which ultimately led to her resignation from a position which she coveted as a small-town girl. Why? Her parents apparently had a Jai Shri Ram picture on their FB. Height of ignorance, debauchery, narcissism and callousness. His twitter handle is Anti-BJP Sarkar, Oxford.

    Instead of acknowledging the tremendous work which the Modi govt. has done to improve the lives of common Indians, many OCIs, NRIs along with residential Indian liberals haughtily post jokes and memes on Modi. Just take the Swacch Bharat Mission. How do you even begin to think about equipping 100 million rural households with toilets that they do not have? How do you go about changing the mindset of 1.2 billion people? Yet today we have achieved the goal of making most of our states and UTs as ODF(Open defecation free).Additionally, over 60K toilets across 3000 cities have been made live on Google Maps.

    Ease of doing business has leaped from 134 in 2013 to 63 in 2020(71 ranks-Unbelievable but true!) National security increased with Uri and Balakot strikes. Encouragement given to indigenous industries. No longer is poverty being glamorized in the budget. Instead schemes like Direct Benefit Transfer of LPG (DBTL),Bharatnet, Jal jeevan, Kisan Sammann Nidhi, Ujjvala, Ujala, etc. have brought a remarkable transformation in the lives of millions of people all over India. Yet Anti-BJP Sarkar is incapable of seeing the light. I wonder why!


    1. And the pity is that our much vaunted BJP IT cell could not even mass report this vile professor to his Ox Ford University 😓 What’s the point in having an Ecosystem that fails to rise to the occasion ? 😒 That’s in sharp contrast to the SiFiLIs Ecosystem (Sickular Fiberal Lobby & Islamists) – which never fails its own 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, both the BJP IT cell and even the government should have expressed their concern. The British never miss an opportunity to show us down. This was extremely bigoted behavior on part of Oxford and has stamped Oxford as a Leftist den that doesnt tolerate any opposing views.

        As far as Rashmi Samant is concerned, she is also better off not attending a bigoted place like Oxford University.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. In her interview with Swarajya, Rashmi has mentioned that it is generally the Social Sciences and Humanities students who contest for Prez and she is from STEM background.

          I think she is more intelligent than the rest of the crowd being a masters in STEM. Yet she is being bullied and her apology being called not sincere enough. Why should she apologize in the first place? She says “none of the students seem to be concerned”. She has been isolated totally. Horrifying!!! I hope this does not take a mental toll on her. I agree it is best if she does not attend the uni but if she quits now, it will be like accepting defeat!


  2. This is a great and timely decision by the Indian government. The journalists, missionaries, foreign Andolan Jeevis and Tablighis are 100% trouble. And when something is trouble, it is better not to even permit them to come here. And if they do come and carry out activities that harm India and its culture, there should be a severe cost that they should pay.

    There are two kinds of foreign citizens of Indian origin.

    The first type of OCI citizens is the ones who take great pride in their Indian roots and culture. Sunil Gavaskar during his test match commentary today mentioned how much he loved playing at Port of Spain, Trinidad because of the huge affection and support from the Indian community there. In Surinam, many Hindus read the Ramayana everyday. And these people went as indentured laborers, suffered lots of indignities, lots of hardships but retained their deep love for India in the foreign lands.

    The second type of OCI citizens is the Andolan Jeevi left liberals who hated India on Indian soil and who continue to hate India on foreign soil. These kinds of OCI’s use their foreign passport and connections to wage a continuous war on India.They collaborate with the Indian Andolan Jeevis (who can be considered Indian citizens of foreign origin) to cause rioting and havoc in India. These guys should not be allowed to spread their poison in India and bring down its GDP.

    Then there are the Hindus in Ghana of African origin. Their hearts, their ethos and their cultural longing are with India. These are our friends. Someone with a brown skin but with an Andolan Jeevi or Khalistani heart is not our friend. And if someone wishes harm upon us and have broken our trust, it doesnt make sense to give them a free pass.

    Since you mention Rutgers, there is also a professor Edwin Bryant in Rutgers who has written a most wonderful book on the Patanjali Yoga Sutra. He is an enormous friend and well wisher of India. But he is not known because he is not part of the Andolan Jeevi network like crypto evangelical Fraudrey Truschke is.

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    1. “The second type of OCI citizens is the Andolan Jeevi left liberals who hated India on Indian soil and who continue to hate India on foreign soil”. This is 100% accurate depiction of the OCI type who wage a continuous propaganda against India in every forum that they are part of.


  3. Those NRIs who are being misled about the suppression of their own communities such as the Sikh community or the Kashmiri Muslim community may become enemies of India daydreaming about freedom from/independence from India. They agitate or support local agitators whenever they get the chance. But that is all. Please don’t include the rest of the NRI community with them. I categorically say that If Narendra Modi got 45 percent of votes in India, he would get 90 percent of votes from NRIs around the world. It is said that when a person dies his/her appreciation among the survivors goes sky high. Very similarly when Indians go away from India, their appreciation for India, our culture go very high. Now granted a second and third generation may get diluted affection for India, but even among those who visited India with their parents and grandparents love their visit very much. Only those who fell sick because they lost their immunity did not enjoy their visit to India.

    If you ever get a chance to visit America during one of those Holidays like Saraswati Puja, Navratri Garba, Ganesh Chaturthi, Holika, Diwali, etc. you distinctly get the impression that Hinduism may wane in India but will stay strong among the diaspora.


  4. This blog topic has been a long time coming. But better late than never.

    I’ve thought a lot about this over the years, once myself having been an overseas Indian. There are four types of these NRIs:

    1. Indian by Origin Only (I2O): First or later generation in the adopted country. Indifferent to the mother country. Has zero interest. Invests 100% on life in the adopted country. No problem; we can ignore this segment. Generally useless for India’s concerns.

    2. Indian with Fond Memories (IFM): Usually first generation at near-retirement or in retirement age. Usually connected to Indian heritage and culture. Nostalgic about the home country and wishes to return. A small fraction even do, relocating here (finally!). Harmless, even get to do some good stuff when they do relocate.

    3. Arrogant Opinionated Indian (AOI): Usually with higher qualifications, a citizenship in the adopted country, risen up the profession, and tries really hard to integrate. Has a poor opinon of the mother country, fed by media s/he reads – NYT, WaPo, Economist, etc. Generally embarassed with his or her origin. Thinks India should learn from his adopted country and is not past putting it in so many words that those living here are primitive. Best to ignore.

    4. Liberal Left Indian (LLI): The new variety, mostly of Indians who moved to the West with a social science degree. Find themselves needing to be more loyal than the King. Has little idea or exposure to the real contemporary Indian but act and talk as if they do. Their associations are with the left-liberal class in the West – resonating with the liberal media, in academia, activists, and to some extent inside corporate corridors. These are dangerous and have to be identified and tracked. Some may even return and ostensibly set up some harmless activity – mostly in media. Have incredible power to cause endless trouble with their global connections.

    So, there you are. The last is the one we have to be wary of.

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  5. Interesting video of speech by a Chinese general. Towards the end the general is saying that India must not be allowed to join the Quad

    China is most scared of India joining the Quad because India has the manpower and a very large number of soldiers to match China.

    Big fail by Chinese strategists. They kept poking India and India started raising dedicated Mountain Divisions and reorienting its military hardware towards facing the China threat. Now India is ready and will join the Quad.


  6. Very well timed article and very unfortunately true. Many, like a Kamala Harris, even flaunt their “Indian-ness” to fool gullible Indians into voting for them and her video/views on Kashmir were well publicized even then but we are foolishly emotional about them nonetheless. I have nothing against Harris and no way (yet) o say how the Biden administration will be long term in terms of their policies toward India but just an example of what you are stating.

    Finally, “The folks who turned out at Howdy Modi are our friends.” made me smile! I am one of them 🙂


  7. Abhishek I have heard something that you wont believe.I have come to know from a friend who does contract works and has extensive political contacts in Purulia hordes of so called lungi clad miya voters(“as BJP leaders call them” not me”I am secular liberal) are voting BJP.This is not surpriisng to me.BJP/RSS are known to use Hindu votes to get power and then discard them like tissue paper.With this info I have increased BJP count to 240+seats.Mamta is losing Nandigram by 15,000 votes


  8. Interesting thread


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