How Freedom House duped millions of Indians into signing up for an anti-India agenda

Let us think about this. Why do you suppose Khalistanis are taking so much interest in the debate over farm laws in Punjab? Whether the laws stay or go, how does it help their cause of breaking up India? So why would Khalistanis like Jagmeet Singh or Mo Dhaliwal living in faraway Canada be so worked up over the fate of agricultural mandis in India?

The answer is simple. Because they understand the importance of proximity. The Khalistanis are hoping to make friends among people in Punjab who have negative sentiments about these farm laws. They hope that eventually they will be able to mutate these friendships into support for their real cause.

You must have seen the headlines yesterday. India has been ‘downgraded.’ By whom? Some apparently international organization called Freedom House. They have downgraded our status from ‘free country’ to ‘partly free.’ In other words, more bad press for Modi on the international circuit. An adrenaline rush for those who used to be in power but no longer are.

All the reactions were on expected lines. Those who support PM Modi expressed their usual irritation over being unfairly targeted by global media, their high handed tone and eagerness to intervene in our domestic affairs. Those who are against the PM were utterly grateful for yet another foreign NGO telling us how to run our country. In other words, everyone held on firmly to their political beliefs. Not even one vote moved from one side to the other. So, why worry about this?

Because we need to read the fine print of what really happened yesterday.

You have probably already noticed at least one thing shocking about this graphic. Jammu gone, Kashmir gone, Ladakh gone! They didn’t even take a middle path and include those parts which are still actively administered by India. They didn’t just snatch the occupied parts, they cut it all off.

Millions of Indians are currently circulating this graphic with a great sense of joy and vindication. They think they are striking a note of dissent against Modi. In reality they are cheering a graphic that shows a future India minus Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. Imagine how pleased Pakistan and China must be.

But that’s not all. Look more closely and you will see that it says: “Over the last 15 years, India experienced a precipitous score decline…

Hold on! Fifteen years? That works out to roughly six years of Narendra Modi and nine years of Dr. Manmohan Singh. But the headlines were just about the snub to Modi, remember?

Freedom House knew exactly what they were doing. It is not enough for them if you hate Modi. They need you to hate both Congress and BJP. They need you to accept that the Indian state is hopelessly fascist no matter who runs it. Because they want to recruit you to break India.

Now you see what really happened. Perhaps you dislike Modi very much. Perhaps you really believe he is a fascist. But by cheering this graphic, they made you sign up with the assertion that not just Modi but Dr. Singh was a fascist too! In other words, the entire Indian polity is fascist. India as a whole is fascist.

Let’s see. In the 2019 general elections, the NDA polled around 45% of the total votes. These are Modi’s supporters. The remaining people would have a whole spectrum of opinions about him. Some would like him but not a whole lot. Some would dislike him but not that much. But because of the very nature of democracy, you can be certain that there would be a hardcore segment, say 25% of the population who dislike him intensely.

This 25% was the real target of Freedom House. They wanted to use the anti-Modi convictions of this 25% and convert it into an anti-India faction.

Ordinarily, this 25% would not support cutting off Jammu, Kashmir or Ladakh from India. Beyond a few thousand hardcore traitors or even less, no Indian would support this. But yesterday, Freedom House was able to build a bridge. They were able to reach out to maybe a quarter of the population.

How many of these 25% would cheer the Indian Army withdrawing from Ladakh? How many of them would enjoy seeing Jammu and Srinagar handed over to Pakistan? Very few. How many of these 25% would say that India is inherently evil, with both Congress and BJP being fascist parties? Again, hardly any.

But you cannot deny that yesterday Freedom House has opened a channel of communication with this segment of population. Which would work out to crores of people. Whether we like it or not, Freedom House has snagged a tiny place in their heart. Till yesterday, the influence of Freedom House was limited to a few thousand hardcore traitors. Today their sphere of influence has grown to several crores.

They will now work on this bridge. They will make it stronger. Tomorrow, another international NGO will come with another report and another map, perhaps this time with Arunachal cut off as well. The media headlines will scream about how Modi made India worse. In the fine print, you will find that not just Modi and Dr. Singh, but also Vajpayee was fascist. Those who hate Modi will still forward it joyfully, thinking it’s all just “dissent.”

You can dislike Modi all you want. You have a right to do that. But, watch out because there are well-funded folks looking to use your anger to turn you against India itself. So do yourself and all of us a favor by always reading the fine print!

11 thoughts on “How Freedom House duped millions of Indians into signing up for an anti-India agenda

  1. A Leftist institute from a country that burnt women as witches less than 200 years back, traded slaves less than 150 years back and had segregation in public transport till 50 years back is giving certificates to the world. Nice. We should learn hypocrisy from them. This is a bit like Aurangzeb giving out certificates of secularism.

    The map of India without Kashmir gave away the intent of Freedom house. Freedom house is actually Naxal house with lots of US urban naxals sitting in judgement of the world. There are too many such urban naxal addas in the US which is why one feels that in the long term, US is doomed. US should learn from India – since 2014, India has significantly reduced the urban naxal addas on its soil and shattered many a liberal career.

    India freed millions of farmers from the slavery of the APMC. we also gave domicile certificates to Dalits and the marginalized in Kashmir. This is over and above giving Indian citizenship to victims of religious persecution in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. So India has done outstandingly well on making people free since August 5,2019.

    India should keep improving till it gets the lowest score on Freedoom house’s scorecard. This means liberals need to be kept out of power for atleast 25 more years.An country where liberals can make a career is doomed (or should we call it freedoomed ?)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Agree with this article and loved your letter to Freedom house on Twitter.

    Not just Kashmir, Ladakh; but Azad Kashmir, PoK,the whole of Sindh and also the whole of Punjab(including the one in Pak) belongs to India. Slowly but surely we must make efforts to get it back. Our Sharda Peeth in PoK, once a temple university is in ruins today. 2 of our Shakti peeths- Hinglaj Mata and Shivaharkaray hv gone to Pak. Even Nankana Sahib-birthplace of Guru Nanak is in Pak. Those who executed the partition did not consider religious sentiments of Hindus and Sikhs or follow any due procedure-just drew a border causing trauma, death and destruction to millions of people belonging to these communities.

    India’s score has decreased from 71 to 67 which shows that we are punishing the enemies of state like Umar Khalid, Stan Swamy, etc. but it is not enough. We must also punish those Indians who share an inaccurate map of India-this is a national security issue and must be taken seriously. Maybe our rating will decrease to 50 then. But so what! China has a rating of 10. Though India must not be an authoritarian regime like China, we cannot go back to being the weak, ‘trying hard to please everybody’ kind of nation we were earlier!

    Freedom of expression which results in people being free to go against the interest of the nation is not FOE. Justifying the destruction of temples and applauding comedians who joke about a religious crime is not tolerance; but self-destruction. Even Americans used to think of us as “helplessly democratic, barely governable, avowedly secular” and now admit that we are finally breaking our shackles of the ‘nice guy’ mentality .See this article>

    Can Biden Get Tough With America’s Friends?

    True superpowers never ever worry about what the world thinks of them. Has USA bothered about the negative publicity it incurred after dropping bombs in ME? Has China ever apologized for the corona virus and the massive damage it caused to the world? These nations misuse their power. We will use our power to do good things like we did by giving away corona vaccines free to nations which could not afford them. But we will be firm with those who take us for granted.

    The kind of global reports/ratings we see nowadays reflect our growing power and transition to being a superpower.


    1. Nicely put.

      Just checked the Wikipedia page of Freedoom House and its budget is $30 million, mostly from the US Government (sorry, from the US taxpayer).

      US has become the Mecca for Andolan Jeevis. It is amazing how Andolan Jeevis wring out money from productive sections of a society while at the same time damaging the same society.

      Think we need to teach the three laws of Andolan Jeevis in school to educate children not to become Andolan Jeevis

      First law of Andolan Jeevis – Every society stays at rest if it has more Andolan Jeevis than Shram Jeevis

      Second law of Andolan Jeevis – The rate of GDP growth of a country is inversely proportional to the number of Andolan Jeevis in that country

      Third law of Andolan Jeevis – Every progressive action by any government has an equal and violent reaction from the Andolan Jeevis

      Liked by 1 person

        1. If Andolan Jeevis had been present in Cambridge University during Newtons time, Newton would have discovered the 3 laws of Andolan Jeevis much before the 3 laws of motion. In this case, Newton would not have discovered the 3 laws of motion at all.

          Because once Andolan Jeevis enter a campus, studies go for a toss. The Andolan Jeevi uncles stay forever on campus.The intimidate the younger as well as the teachers (both of whom are much younger than the Andolan Jeevi uncles). Andolan Jeevi uncles dont allow any studies to happen, they spend their whole lives in doing red salute to comrades.

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Hilarious and true! The andolanjeevis are weak cowards who keep attaching themselves to one cause after another as they do not have any aim, purpose or direction in life.

        To prevent children from following such a useless lifepath, they need to be made shaktishali(powerful) in 3 ways>

        1)Icchashakti(Willpower)-Parents must increase the willpower, strength and confidence of the child such that they can resist the temptation to do evil just to get the tag of a so-called rebel and appear cool to others. Such a child will be intelligent enough to see the truth behind the masks of seemingly innocent ‘climate activists’ and can never be bullied/manipulated to participate in ‘protests’ which seek to destabilize the nation.

        2)Karmashakti(Power of rightful action)-Having ambition is ok but to make money illegally/immorally is not ok. Making wealth must be aligned with ethical values & be the by-product of living one’s life purpose. Children observe and emulate their parents,peers and teachers. As such parents must set an excellent example and inform children about the dangers of getting involved with wicked people although they may appear to be ‘fun’ initially! Likewise young citizens can join orgs like the RSS, the NCC or any other constructive group which can help them develop their character, meet like-minded people, pursue hobbies/passion and inculcate traditional values

        3)Jnanashakti(Power of knowledge)-The youth must be informed about our rich heritage-our brave warriors like Jhansi ki Rani, Shivaji;our kings like Vikramaditya, Chandragupta; our kingdoms like Cholas, Pandyas; our saints like Swami Vivekananda, Avvaiyyars,Sant Ramdas, Yogini Chudala, Lal Ded; our Bhagavad Gita and the yogas it teaches-Raja yog,Sankhya yog,Buddhi yog,Karma yog; our scientists, surgeons, mathematicians like Aryabhatta, Sushruta, Bhaskara, the Brahmavadinis; our sacred texts-Vedas and Upanishads; our epics-Mahabharata and Ramayana and so on. Likewise they must be informed about the tragedies of the past-the Mughal invasions, the British colonization, Partition and so on-the numerous wounds inflicted on our civilization so that we don’t repeat the past mistakes.

        Children raised with these 3 shaktis are very likely to take actions rooted in dharmik values and be good citizens of the country.


  3. Although there is plenty of attacks on India/Modi government from the Leftists of the world, but relatively speaking we have lucked out. Since what has been happening in the USA that is exactly the mirror image of what is happening in India. In America RW marauders attacked it’s Parliament, American security agencies have arrested hundreds of the culprits and looking out for more of them. In India exact opposite happened. The Leftist marauders attacked Red Fort and our security agencies have arrested hundreds and looking out for more of them. So what the Left leaning government is doing to the RW culprits in America, we are doing the same to the Leftist culprits. The Left leaning government in America is showing ‘intolerance’ by banning popular Dr. Seuss’s books and banning Mr. Potato Head etc. Hence their attacks on India’s ‘intolerance’ got somewhat neutralized. Just imagine the Leftist attacks on India without America’s inadvertent help?


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