Why America scares me right now : Mahagathbandhan of Islamism and Communism sweeping the US

There are two extremely important reasons why Indians should always keep an eye on US politics. First, America not only shows the way for the global economy and technology, but it also shows the trajectory that liberalism will take in the years to come. As such, America functions as a kind of time machine: issues that face their democracy today are the ones which will affect us 10-15 years from now.

Secondly, while I do not support every single action of the United States, I believe that the Americans have been a force for good in the world over the last 100 years. America has been a bulwark of democracy and freedom. If America goes down, it is a serious setback for freedom loving people everywhere. One day I would like to see India emerge as the light of freedom in the world, but that day is not now. We cannot bear this enormous responsibility as of 2018; for now the honor of carrying this weight shall remain with the USA.

Which is why, frankly, America scares me right now. In fact, it is beginning to give me nightmares.

Do you know who this is?


Her name is Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and she is the official Democratic candidate for the 14th Congressional district in New York. Given how solidly this seat leans Democrat, becoming the party nominee from here means that there is no doubt that she will become a Congresswoman after the November election.

And there is no name hotter in American politics right now than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She is filling arenas with passionate supporters, young and restless. Members of Congress and even candidates for governor are queuing up for her endorsement, practically begging for her to campaign for them.

She’s a “Democratic Socialist.” Her campaign platform is to abolish capitalism. Yes, those are the exact words used by the Democratic Socialists. She plans to abolish capitalism, abolish the border police (ICE), she openly demands that workers take over the means of production and that every single American should be given a job by the US government. Yes, every single American should be employed by the government.

They are not even making an effort to hide the fact that they are Communists. This is their vision of America:

Public Sector 100%

Private Sector 0%

An America where everything from soap to TVs are made by the government. Total abolition of profit (yes… they say that openly too). They are not centrists, they do not seek to temper their views in any way, they are openly and unabashedly supporting Communism.

And in the land of the free, these are the people who are filling out arenas, mostly with young people who treat them as rockstars.

Shit scary.

I always knew that while Bernie Sanders lost out to Hillary, his campaign wasn’t really going anywhere. The outpouring of youth support  for an openly socialist politician was unprecedented in American politics. The genie has come out of the bottle. People like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez are now setting the stage on fire.

The young and college educated in America don’t consider socialism a bad word. In fact, they love it, they yearn for it. The Soviet Union ended 30 years ago. There isn’t a big contemporary example of the failure of Communism in the world around them. And their professors have scrubbed out the massacres of Communism from their college textbooks. This is the golden generation of American Communism. It scares me even to say it. But the writing is on the wall.

Last year, a prominent right winger was invited to speak on the campus of U C Berkeley. He was prevented from doing so by violent leftists who actually set parts of the campus on fire. This is U C Berkeley, one of the greatest universities in the world, burning. Literally.


Do you see how big that fire is? It is nearly two stories high.

That’s free speech on fire, folks. And it tells you what a sick place America has become.

I like to think that India would actually be better than this. Indian academics are mostly leftists, just like in America. But yeah… if violent leftists were trying to burn down a big Indian university, say IIT Delhi, in a huge public spectacle, I would expect some real pushback even from hardcore liberal circles. At least our leftist intellectuals have the sense to stoke the fires in Bastar from a safe distance away. They wouldn’t bring the fire to their own backyard and burn down their own homes and offices.

Not so in America. The left realizes that the monster is now beyond their control. The mob has formally taken over. Not a squeak of disagreement was heard from the American intelligentsia against the effort to burn down Berkeley. There is no option left for them but to submit to the monster now.

Of course, there is a deep economic trigger for why the college educated in America have become Communists. The foremost problem for American youth today is thousands of $$$ in student debt that they have accumulated. The payment could often be as much as $1000 a month. That leaves college educated youth struggling to make ends meet, unable to buy houses or cars. Or even go out on a date. In other words, it leaves them out of the American dream.

Of course, who caused this student debt? The colleges and their left wing professors did, through their endless greed. They flooded the job market with useless degrees, which were financed by loans from the government. Politicians like to hand out money for college … it’s great optics. The economics be damned.


From 2000 to 2018, inflation in the US was 2.09% but college costs rose 5.23% every year or twice as fast. How is a college graduate in the US supposed to eat now?

Of course, the college graduate should be blaming his left wing institution for overcharging him for a worthless degree. But that’s not how the human mind works. Instead, the average college graduate in America today blames capitalism for not being able to make ends meet!

So leftist intellectuals profit both ways. They pocket trillions of dollars (literally) selling useless degrees. And when the kids graduate and have no job, they end up getting angry at capitalism and signing up for the Communist Party their professor was supporting!

This is why Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is so hot right now. And there are hundreds of copycats springing up across the United States. The red storm is coming.

And the red storm is coming hand in hand with the Communists’ allies : the Islamists.


Of course Abdul El-Sayed was neck deep in his work for Muslim Students Association (MSA) and even far left sites like the Huffington Post admit that the “the Muslim immigrants who founded the first MSA chapter in 1963 were sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood.

In case you don’t know, the Muslim brotherhood is a dangerously fascist and very powerful organization that toppled all those regimes during the Arab spring, leading to even stricter impositions of Sharia law in those countries.

But this stuff does not matter in America today. Among large sections of the American public, the fear of Islamophobia (a souped up version of ‘white guilt’) is now greater than the fear of Al-Qaeda, ISIS and the Muslim brotherhood.

That’s how you get Sadiq Khan, mayor of London and poster child of the Leftist-Islamist nexus. Sadiq consulted on the defense of a terrorist who is now serving a life sentence in Colorado for being part of the 9/11 conspiracy. That’s right. 9/11. Not all activist Muslim lawyers are out there defending innocent Muslims who want nothing more than to love their “Mulk” like media wants us to believe. Some are defending 9/11 terrorists also.

The West is going down to this Mahagathbandhan of Communism and Islamism. Of course, we have our historical issues with the West. But we have to care. We cannot deny that our democratic values are aligned with theirs at the moment. If they fall to a mixture of Communism and Islamism, the world will become a really scary place. India, Japan, Israel and perhaps tiny Singapore etc will be left as the only democracies in the world. Would you feel secure in such a world? What is happening there could be happening here soon.

14 thoughts on “Why America scares me right now : Mahagathbandhan of Islamism and Communism sweeping the US

  1. What America needs a Senator like Joseph McCarthy and The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) PERIOD.America suffered this desease during 1890s when Anarchist were swaying American Public but I am sure the very Latino Immigrants who being despised now will form the first line of defence against these commies.You just cannot keep Latinos and Bible belt population away from their religion.So yes this is a crisis but every action has an equal and opposite reaction.The world will always find Socialism attractive as who doesn’t want to be sympathetic towards poor but till it is not burning down their own homes.Every Sadiq Khan creates One Tommy Robinson! Every ANTIFA will create another British UKIP!In time this violence will be the Achilles heel for the leftist!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This story about Ocasio Cortez very much resembles the story of our own Arvind Kejriwal. The only difference is AK was able to hide his commie tendencies before coming to power. Of course, the very fact that he assured free water, electricity etc should have made us think that he was very much a commie. But all of us failed miserably in understanding this great commie of modern India.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I believe CW you are over reacting. I always believed that the support of Barnie Sandars would evaporate overnight the moment his supporters start losing money in their 401 K retirement accounts because of his policy. This lady is purely a phenomenon of rising extreme leftist against the rise of extreme rightist in Trump and his supporters. And don’t forget this is extremely a democratic constituency. As far as support of Communism is concerned, all anti-Trump people are very much against Russia while Trump behaves like as if he is in Vladimir Putin’s pocket.

    I believe Narendra Modi’s (and BJP’s) rise has lots to do with ten years of pro-Muslims, pro-Communism policies of UPA government. And we have another five may be ten years before the trend reverses.

    But all in all, the world over youngsters are attracted towards socialism. As they say, when you are in twenties, if you are not a socialist, you don’t have a heart and in your forties, if you are not a capitalist, you don’t have brain.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Sujoy,

    I have been waiting for you to write this column. Often we Indians are so insular that we don’t keep track of the world at large. But it is now high time that we did so.

    The unholy alliance between extreme leftists and Islamists is now out in the open in many formerly Western countries (or should that be “soon to be third-world” countries?). The alliance has already taken firm hold in Sweden (no comment needed), Germany (ditto), and the UK where the Archbishop of Canterbury is out batting for Sharia courts. BTW if you think I am making that up, here are two links:



    But what about the US? Let us go back to the last Presidential election, where the losing Democrats made a big deal of the fact that Hillary Clinton actually won the popular vote by 2.5 million votes. Actually, she won California by 3 million votes and lost the popular vote in the remaining 49 states by 0.5 million votes. So the Democrats’ strategy is to turn all of the USA into a mega-California, that is, a place with tens millions of illegal immigrants, and get them onto the voters’ list as quickly as possible. Because each County in the US decides how to run elections (crazy but true), this is not all that difficult. This is why the new Democratic rhetoric is to abolish ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), and indeed, to abolish borders. Does this perchance remind you of any Indian political party?

    Of course California is now unlivable, and both businesses and people are fleeing to sensible states like Texas. But guess what! The newly arrived population, fleeing from a dysfunctional state like California, are voting for exactly the same policies in their new habitat that made their old habitat uninhabitable! Again, does that remind you of anyone?

    One unmistakable sign that the activities of so-called “antifa” (a contraction of “anti-fascist”) is coordinated by shadowy people is the violence that follows antifa wherever it goes. Please read about the “protests” in Portland, Oregon where the “antifa” gang have been harassing individual officers belonging to the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).


    I was studying at the University of Wisconsin during the 1960s, when it was a hotbed of anti-Vietnam war protests. I had no difficulty in being against the US policies in Vietnam while simultaneously viewing individual soldiers as honorable people. Unfortunately today’s “liberals” make no such distinctions.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been warmly embraced by the Democrats because she represents their vision of a future America. There are however a fairly large number of influential voices that are fighting this regressive view. The African-American community is seeing the emergence of some persons who proclaim loudly why they have walked away from the fake liberalism of the Democrats. Among these Candace Owens is the most articulate but there are also others like the comedian Terrence K. Williams. Others who are white and worth following are Ben Shapiro and David Rubin.

    The American leftists have brainwashed young incoming freshmen for about thirty years now. The leftists play for the long run, and this is an illustration of that policy. This is why I am absolutely dead set against the presence of so-called Humanities and so-called Social Sciences in the IITs. Already IIT Madras is the JNU of the South, with the Ambedkar-Periyar gang running amok, and IIT Bombay will be next. We need to check that cancer right now. But if you think that a nincompoop like Javadekar is going to do that, well good luck to you.

    Apologies for the long post.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This may not be a problem now in India but could be later if the Arts and Humanities departments are not closed down. Currently most Arts and Humanities students find employment in some anti-national activity or other (journalists, protestor on hire, organize beef festivals, Bollywood etc).

    For the next 100 years, this is the kind of student distribution we need in colleges- Engineering(40%), Medicine(20%), Science and Math(30%), Commerce(9%), Law(1%) and Arts/Humanities(0%). We need a equal number of students in the trades as well.

    Once temples are freed, they will evolve the arts and humanities India needs. We dont need Marxist ideas masquerading as Arts and Humanities.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We should make the useless Humanities and Social Studies types pay the full cost of education and subsidize engineering. Paradoxically we do exactly the opposite: We charge Rs. 326 or something like that to the parasites at JNU and one lakh to IIT students. This is another failure of MHRD.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree with you but I feel removing Humanities/Social Studies altogether would be better. If Humanities/Social Studies are charged high fees, we would have an anarchist group with high debt and that is the (bigger) problem CW mentioned in his article.

        It is better to let Arts be handled by temples and get rid of Humanities/Social Studies altogether. It is hard for students of Humanities/Social Studies to make any positive contribution to society, especially if their professors are the JNU types.
        Now that Chattisgarh/Bastar is also developing, the Humanities folks can no longer do PhD theses on why Bastar is undeveloped. What else can/will they do ?


        1. “It is better to let Arts be handled by temples and get rid of Humanities/Social Studies altogether.”

          Yeah nope.You do know that the same Arts/Humanities you seem to despise can be used to build an intellectual foundation of the Hindu civilisation?

          Tempels are hardly the intellectual cornerstone of our country anymore, os this is stupid


          1. In reality, why not keep control of temples by govt. and extend it to all religion institutions equally. Immediatelly all mullahs and congressi will join hands to free all institutions from the govt. The true secularism though requires separation of state and church.


  6. On a different note, here is Subramaniam Swamy promising that temples will be freed during the current BJP term. Wonder what is taking so long


    1. Temples will not be freed in the immediate future.IF they are,there will be social upheaval the likes of which has never been seen.

      You can’t do this without solving the social faultlines present in the society, esp caste.It will only harm hinduism the most


  7. There is lot of mix up in dire issues facing India and the issues facing USA and west. India’s issues are economy, larger thousand years intrusion, continuous demographic changes, civilizational issues and abnormal and pervert behaviour and such developments. In addition to that on our border we have like China and Pakistan as neighbours. Our citizens lack basic necessities of civilizational livings, whereas before abnormal developments we were the richest country in material, educational, spritual and scientific sense.
    On echonomic front, whatever scientific method works for development and social justice should be adopted. The communism and socialism have failed miserably. The reason of failure given is lack of incentives in socialism. China nd Russia made corrections and are progressing. But when incentive transforms into greed, it is chaos and failures which USA is about to face. Both in democracy and capitalism vision and political and physical provision of effective dand (sam, daam, bhed, dand?) Is forcefully required and not dilly dallyng NRC type will do. To be successful in existing democratic and rewarding economic system, enough rules to avoid abuses are required both in India and USA, abuses from corrupt politicians, journalists, academians, judiciary, entertainment industry, media at large, minority institutions etc., otherwise democracy will fail and rewarding economy will fail.


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